Pinstone gets in the groove for Mental Health Awareness Week

Discover how the Pinstone team has been moving to support Mental Health Awareness Week 2024.

Did you know that Mental Health UK’s 2024 ‘Burnout Report’ found that 91% of UK adults have experienced high or extreme stress in the past year? Additionally, 24% feel unable to manage stress and pressure levels. 

Among the report’s recommendations to minimise mental health issues was fostering a culture of care and collaboration by encouraging team building. It highlighted connections with others as key in alleviating stress and preventing burnout, alongside having a healthy work-life balance and exercising regularly. 

As a team we’re very fortunate that Pinstone supports our wellbeing. This was recognised in our PR Moment Awards win as Boutique Agency of the Year where the judges concluded we demonstrated caring for staff by ‘embracing a people-first culture’. 

This is backed up by our annual staff survey in which 94% agreed that they feel part of a team and 100% are motivated by a commitment to quality. 

In recognition of the theme of year’s Mental Health Awareness Week campaign – ‘Move your way’ we organised a series of activities that show how physical activity is great for our bodies and our minds. 

Movement helps you stay positive 

From ‘Mindful Monday Meditation’ to an hourlong ‘Tuesday Trek’ with the office doggos in tow, we’ve prioritised recharging our batteries and clearing our heads, ready for a productive afternoon’s work. 

Feeling good inside and out is so important and having supportive colleagues who rally behind each other is a great way to create a healthier and more resilient work environment. 

Mental health marketing magic 

From our work with farming charity, RABI on several of its mental health initiatives, we know that being comfortable starting open and frank conversations about our wellbeing is key to getting the right support. 

This was a message amplified by some brilliant comms campaigns that are helping to get people talk about how they’re feeling for Mental Health Awareness Week.  

My personal favourite was McDonald’s removing the ‘happy’ from its iconic Happy Meals to encourage kids to develop their emotional intelligence by learning to recognise the different emotions they might feel. 

The campaign highlights the complexity of our feelings. Life is not always straightforward, and we can’t always be ‘happy’. Mostly we’re a ‘mood salad’ but having a team you can turn to when you need them is a big win in my opinion.  

Find some of our team highlights from the week captured through a lens in our Instagram reels.

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