Growth and environmental campaigns, Bee inspired this Christmas

As Christmas approaches, it’s a great time to reflect on a brilliant year for Pinstone. We’ve marked significant achievements and focused strongly on our environmental campaigns.  

A key milestone was our journey towards becoming a B-Corp business. This initiative uses our business and communications as a force for good, giving back to people and planet through The UK B Corporation Movement. 

Through this rigorous application process, we will measure our environmental and social impact. We are also legally committing to change our corporate governance structure to ensure accountability to all stakeholders.

Bee the change you want to see

To link our work culture of being the ‘bees knees’ with the environment, we set up 10 commercial beehives earlier this year.  

These beehives are located within seven acres of wildflower meadows, planted in our 37 acre commercial apple orchard on ‘Earth Day 2022’.   

We have also been busy switching suppliers to work with those committed to making a difference to the planet. 

Like our bees, our team has had a busy and productive year. We’ve seen continued growth and delivered real impact for our clients.   

Our efforts were rewarded with the Medium to Large Business of the Year Award at the recent Herefordshire Business Awards. Our investment in nature also paid off with our very own honey, harvested just five miles from Pinstone’s offices. 

Sweet treats this Christmas

The yield from our hives was over 6,500g. From this first harvest, many beautifully packed jars of our planet friendly honey are being prepared. These will soon be delivered to our clients to share the sweet success of our bees’ labour.  

The festive bee theme continues in-house as we celebrate a Christmas countdown with highlights from the year that we found professionally impressive, inspiring or heart-warming.  

Pinstone ‘Queen Bee’ Catherine Linch and our whole team have put together a festive hotlist of creative campaigns to share in the coming days.  

We are buzzing to see what 2023 will bring and send our best wishes for the festive season. 

From the ‘bees knees’ team at Pinstone.

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