Six ways to communicate your brand’s sustainability stories

Pinstone’s tried and tested tactics to amplify your sustainability messaging

Whether operating within agriculture, the food supply chain or the environmental sector, an organisation’s commitment to authentic sustainability targets and actions can enhance reputations and provide a competitive advantage.

However, implementing progressive sustainability measures is only one part of the equation. Effectively communicating these initiatives and making sure they resonate with your audience is crucial to avoid the risk of greenwashing and maximise the impact of your hard work.

As a B Corp agency, Pinstone recommends six tried and tested tactics to amplifying sustainability ambitions and actions

  1. Leverage social media platforms

Social media can bring your sustainability journey to life. Use engaging but importantly authentic content such as video, infographics, and live sessions to share stories about your sustainable goals and achievements. Harness the power of your community through interactive content such as polls and quizzes, engaging with them on the big sustainability issues in your sector.

Throughout our B Corp journey, we’ve been sure to capture our sustainability milestones no matter how big or small. From tree planting  to introducing a bokashi composting bin, sharing  these positive steps through our digital channels helps keep our followers engaged and informed.

  1. Publish sustainability reports

Publishing a unique, data-rich sustainability focused  report provides an opportunity to share your initiatives, progress, and future goals. Launch the report at an in-person or virtual event and make it accessible by publishing the report online and sharing highlights across a mix of communications channels.

For Pinstone’s client CIEL (now integrated into UK Agri-Tech Centres), driving industry-wide improvements in livestock production is integral to their business strategy. Since 2020, we’ve supported CIEL with the development of eight thought-leadership reports.

Spanning multiple livestock sectors, the reports have helped raised awareness of the innovations driving sustainability and efficiencies to tackle the challenges faced by producers, processors, retailers, veterinarians, and the wider industry.

  1. Partner with sustainability influencers

Collaborate with influencers who are passionate about sustainability and have a following that aligns with your target audience. These partnerships can help amplify your message through authentic storytelling and reach potential customers who hold similar values.

In our latest podcast series, we’ve been making acquaintance with brands that are a force for good, such as the sustainable snacking brand, Ember.

Working with like-minded businesses, is always inspiring and fostering a spirit of collaboration can help drive the sustainability agenda forward.

  1. Participate in a sustainability event

There are many forums, webinars and conferences focused on sustainability in the food, farming, and environmental sectors. These events offer an opportunity to share your brand’s progressive ethos and network with like-minded businesses.

Conferences also provide a venue for facilitating media interviews. At the InstallerSHOW, Pinstone arranged editor one-to-ones for Liquid Gas to share updates on their industry pathway for transitioning to 100% renewable liquid gases by 2040.

Packed with delegates, exhibitions are a great environment for making a lasting impressing. At the 2023 World Biogas Expo we supported Eco Verde Energy to deliver an award-winning stand. Featuring a recycled stand construction and eye-catching design, they won the Net Zero classification helping establish them as leading player in the sector.

  1. Targeted email marketing

Integrate sustainability stories into your email marketing campaigns and ensure you are segmenting your audience so it resonates. Share updates on new initiatives and milestones and include behind-the-scenes looks at your team in action. These personalised emails can create a human connection with your audience.

Following the publication of Defra’s report on the harmonisation of carbon accounting tools in January 2024, we supported Trinity AgTech in the development of a targeted direct email campaign.

The segmented mailings sought to promote the outcomes of the Government report findings and how they aligned to its natural capital tool, Sandy.

The initial targeted e-shot generated a click though rate (CTR) of 49.7%, indexed well above the industry average CTR of 2.89%.

This impressive result demonstrated the value of capitalising on a highly relevant and topical hook around land-based carbon removal and emissions and a targeted and segmented audience.

  1. Foster a workplace culture centred on sustainability

Promote sustainability ambitions internally by fostering a workplace culture that actively encourages action towards a more sustainable business. At Pinstone our ‘Bees’ Knees hive’ was in instrumental in changing suppliers to more sustainable options and keeping each other in check when it comes to recycling our food waste and snack wrappers every day!

Our advice is to get your team involved with any new initiatives and inspire a team of sustainability champions by focusing on effective and inspiring internal communications.

Last words of advice

Communicating your brand’s sustainability journey effectively, requires a strategic blend of transparency, engagement, and authenticity. By employing these six tactics, you’ll not only highlight your businesses sustainability ambitions but also take steps towards building a stronger, more resilient brand.

Let’s connect and explore the possibilities together – Contact Us – Pinstone

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