We understand the unique, complex and dynamic nature of the agricultural industry, including its acronyms, organisations, associations and people. This expertise tunes us into what makes a PR or public affairs campaign truly deliver.

Specialist farming knowledge
The diversity of the agricultural sector is a big part of its appeal. However, it can take on a language of its own when you delve into aspects of animal health, crop protection, breeding and nutrition. We also consider various interacting factors: weather, soil type, legislation and stages of crop or animal development. We speak that language and live that world, providing insight and specialist knowledge to inform and direct our campaigns.
Specialist agricultural contacts who live and breath farming
Knowing who’s who and understanding their roles can support an initiative, extending outreach, earning trust and credibility.
Farming runs through the veins of many team members working on our agricultural client accounts. Though our team has grown, farming remains a core skill set we’re proud to offer. Our experience extends beyond the rural landscape, with grounded technical backgrounds in commercial feeding regimes, cropping cycles the and implications of the weather.

Technical agricultural insight
Every client is different. For those with a more technical remit, we commit to understanding the complexities, terminology and scientific fundamentals that underpin the market and decision-making factors of the audiences. While advancing the knowledge of industry experts presents a real challenge, it’s a challenge we embrace.